This documentation describes the record format for the gridded data files on that have the filenames: YYYY.elem.area.pnt area_elem_period.dat Where: YYYY = current year, previous year elem = tave, tmax, tmin, prcp area = ak, us period = 1mo, 3mo, 6mo, ytd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gridded Monthly Values (*.pnt files) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In these files, monthly maximum, minimum and mean temperature (deg. C. to 100ths) and precipitation (mm to 100ths) are computed for each of the past 13-24 months. The files are updated on a monthly basis and are based on the GHCN dataset using a 5km gridded approach. More information on the methodology of the dataset can be found here: When the previous month's analysis is performed a new field is added to the file. Only the current and previous years months are updated. For instance, if the current month is February, each month of the previous year would be updated with new or late arriving data. Also, a new set of files with the current year included in the file name would be added to the directory and it would contain the current year's January values in Field 3. During the following month (March) Field 4 would be populated with the values for February. When a new year is added to the directory the data files from 2 years prior would no longer be updated thus removed from the directory. Format: Field 1 Latitude Field 2 Longitude Field 3-14 Month Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gridded Seasonal Calculations (*.dat files) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In these files, monthly, seasonal and year-to-date (YTD) maximum, minimum and mean temperature (deg. F. to 100ths) and precipitation (inches to 10000ths) are computed for each of the past 1, 3, 6 months and YTD periods. Also computed is the anomaly, rank and category. The precipitation files have an additional field for percent of normal. The anomalies and percent of normals use a base period of 1901-2000. The rank maps (percentiles) use a base period of 1895-present. Temperature Format: Field 1 Latitude Field 2 Longitude Field 3 Value Field 4 Anomaly Field 5 Rank* (where: 1 = coldest, T = tie) Field 6 Category* (Percentile Rank where: 1 = coldest, 2 and 6 = lowest and uppermost decile, 3-5 = bottom, middle, and upper terciles, and 7 = warmest) Precipitation Format: Field 1 Latitude Field 2 Longitude Field 3 Value Field 4 Anomaly Field 5 Percent of Normal Field 6 Rank* (where: 1 = driest, T = tie) Field 7 Category* (Percentile Rank where: (1 = driest, 2 and 6 = lowest and uppermost decile, 3-5 = bottom, middle, and upper terciles, and 7 = wettest) *additional information on NCEI's ranking methods can be found here: